Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thankful to Have... Fair Pay?

Spurred on by Wal-Mart employees, which I'm sure were energized by the wave begun by the Occupy Movement, employees of fast food restaurants in New York City have begun a protest movement.

Fast Food Forward is the name of the movement in NYC that has organized protests against the big fast food chains.  They are demanding a living wage, better working conditions, and better benefits.

As should we all.

Here in Charleston, library workers get paid little more than minimum wage.  In the right-to-work-cheap state, we know what it is like to have to struggle to be able to afford Wal-Mart and McDonald's prices.

Go to the Fast Food Forward Facebook page and show your support.  We may not have heard a lot from the Occupy Movement these days, but it appears they have sown seeds that will, with all our involvement, lead to a resurgent labor movement, and that will include those of us who were left behind the first time.

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